2003 - 2024

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LOGOS A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy, Comparative Cultural Studies and Art


Lithuanian   Back

Logos 117

:.  Lina Vidauskytė
       General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Lithuania




The Concept of Honor in Military Ethics

The article deals with the ambivalence of the virtue of honor, which is considered one of the most important military virtues. The virtue of honor, postulated in various Western military academies and military units, is often unreflectively mixed with integrity. The latter is not the same as the virtue of honor. Another problem is that the virtue of honor is opposed to the primacy of right intention. After all, ethical behavior is only when it is not done out of fear or reward. Honor, however, in the military system is understood as a reward for certain actions. But without honor, we could not understand military affairs, as well as sports. For a better understanding of the essence of honor, it is worth making a historical review of the notion. When the concept of honor lost its meaning in the secularized modern society, consciousness became its replacement. Consciousness is perceived as a sufficient basis for ethical behavior. At the same time, consciousness can also be considered a responsibility, especially when it is placed within the framework of the philosophy of dialogue.


Key Words: honor, ethics, right intention, reward, consciousness


The journal "LOGOS" is mainly devoted to scholarly studies in all areas of philosophy.
Editor-in-Chief - Dalia Marija Stančienė, Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Irena Darginavičienė, Copy Editors - Rūta Bagdanavičiūtė, John F.X. Knasas

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