2003 - 2024

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LOGOS    A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art



ISSN 0868-7692















Antanas ANDRIJAUSKAS, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Culture Studies / Lithuanian Culture Research Institute
Darijus BEINORAVIČIUS, Doctor of Social Sciences (Law), Professor, School of Law (Lithuania)
Paul Richard BLUM, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy / Loyola College, Maryland (USA)
Irena DARGINAVIČIENĖ, Doctor of Humanities (Philology), Professor, Department of Foreign Languages / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
John DUDLEY, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, University of Leuven – KU Leuven (Belgium)
Ian Richard JOHNSON,Doctor of Philosophy (english), reader,School of English and Institute of Mediaeval Studies / University of St Andrews (United Kingdom)
John F. X. KNASAS, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Center for Thomistic Studies / University of St. Thomas, Houston (USA)
Ullrich KOCKEL, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Intercultural Research Сentre/ Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg (United Kingdom)
Solveizga KRUMINA-KONKOVA, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), leading researcher, University of Latvia (Latvia)
Teresa OBOLEVITCH, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor,The Pomtifical University of John Paul II, Krakow, (Polamd)
John OZOLIŅS, Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy), Professor, College of Philosophy and Theology / University of Notre Dame Australia (Australia)
Zbigniew PAŃPUCH, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor Department of Metaphysics / The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)
Jānis PLEPS Doctor of Social Sciences (Law), Assistant Professor, University of Latvia (Latvia)
Ana Maria S. A. RODRIGUES, Doctor of Humanities (History), Associate Professor Department of History / University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Saulius RUMŠAS OP, Doctor of Humanities (Theology), Associate Professor, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute (Lithuania)
Philippe SOUAL, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Faculty of Philosophy / Catholic Institute of Toulouse (France)
Dalia Marija STANČIENĖ, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences / Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Jon STEWART, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy, Theology), Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovak Republic)
Vaidotas A. VAIČAITIS, Doctor of Social Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Kęstutis ŽEMAITIS, Doctor of Humanities (Theology), Professor, Department of Theology / Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Vytis VALATKA, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy and Communication / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Rita VAIČEKAUSKAITĖ, Doctor of Social Sciences (Educology), Professor, Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Roman VASKO,Doctor of Humanities (Philology), Professor, Department of Germanic and Finno-Ugrian Philology / Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine)
Lina VIDAUSKYTĖ, Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy), Professor General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
Gintautas VYŠNIAUSKAS, Doctor of Humanities (philosophy), Professor, Independent Researcher (Lithuania)

The journal "LOGOS" is supported by Dominican Order in Lithuania

Editor-in-Chief - Dalia Marija Stančienė, Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Irena Darginavičienė, Copy Editors - Rūta Bagdanavičiūtė, John F. X. Knasas

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