2003 - 2023

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LOGOS    A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art



:. ARCHIVE (PDF format)
2003: 33    34    35
2004: 36   37   38   39
2005: 40   41  42   43  44
2006: 45   46   47    48   49
2007: 50   51  52   53
2008: 54   55  56   57
2009: 58   59  60   61
2010: 62   63  64   65
2011: 66   67  68   69
2012: 70   71  72   73
2013: 74   75  76   77
2014: 78   79  80   81
2015: 82   83  84   85
2016: 86   87  88   89
2017: 90   91  92   93
2018: 94   95  96   97
2019: 98   99  100  101
2020: 102   103   104   105
2021: 106   107   108   109
2022: 110   111   112   113
2023: 114   115   116   117
2024: 118   119   120   121
ISSN 0868-7692



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The journal "LOGOS" is mainly devoted to scholarly studies in all areas of philosophy. The journal also publishes Lithuanian translations of important philosophical texts. Scholarly articles on religion, art, and general cultural issues are also accepted.
Frequency of publication: quarterly (with occasional special issues devoted to a particular philosopher).
The Logos is indexed in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Arts and Humanities Citation Index, The Philosopher’s Index, Scopus, CEEOL, EBSCO Pubishing and CrossRef

Opinions presented by manuscript authors may not coincide with the opinion of the Editorial Board of the journal. An author is responsible for his / her statements given in the manuscript. Manuscripts are not returned to the authors. Accepted articles are published on the website of the journal.


Information for Authors

Editorial Board

The journal "LOGOS" is supported by Dominican Order in Lithuania
Editor-in-Chief - Dalia Marija Stančienė, Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Irena Darginavičienė, Copy Editors - Rūta Bagdanavičiūtė, John F.X. Knasas

Laisvės pr. 60, LT-05120 Vilnius, Lithuania, tel.: 370 5 2421963, faks: 370 5 2429454.
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